Apr 7, 2019
The Paradoxes of the Passion Part 2
Series: Lent 2019
Three representative groups of His bitterest enemies unwillingly give testimony to Him in Mark's panorama of Calvary. Their taunts at the cross are really testimonies. The stones that they throw at Him are in reality glorious prophecies that proclaim the Gospel. And out of the mouths not of babes but of mockers God perfects praise.
- Apr 7, 2019The Paradoxes of the Passion Part 2
Apr 7, 2019The Paradoxes of the Passion Part 2Series: Lent 2019Three representative groups of His bitterest enemies unwillingly give testimony to Him in Mark's panorama of Calvary. Their taunts at the cross are really testimonies. The stones that they throw at Him are in reality glorious prophecies that proclaim the Gospel. And out of the mouths not of babes but of mockers God perfects praise.
- Mar 31, 2019The Paradoxes of the Passion Part 1
Mar 31, 2019The Paradoxes of the Passion Part 1Series: Lent 2019We are not taking a chronological journey to Cross. It is not a series of sermons accounting the days of events leading to the Cross. I want to point out the significant of the Cross, not give lessons of the events that led to the Cross. It is more about the results than the reasons this morning.
- Mar 24, 2019We Would See Jesus
Mar 24, 2019We Would See JesusSeries: Lent 2019In the 20th chapter of John, John records an encounter with Jesus that should make us stop and evaluate our relationship, our passion and our dedication to Him. We find where a group of men, who are not Jews, come out of the crowd to seek Jesus, not just as a novelty, but truly seek Him. In His response, Jesus challenges them and us to die that we might live. Jesus lays out three truths for these men, first, LIFE COMES THROUGH DEATH; second, LIFE COMES THROUGH AN EXCHANGE and third, LIFE COMES THROUGH SERVICE.
- Mar 17, 2019Triumphal Entry
Mar 17, 2019Triumphal EntrySeries: Lent 2019Jesus sets in motion a huge crusade. Why? It probably was so the Jews would never be able to say, “If we had only had the opportunity to embrace You as our King, we certainly would have done so.” He stripped away that excuse from the Jewish nation when He rode into Jerusalem and publicly offered Himself to them as their Messiah. The passage we will look at this morning emphasizes that Jesus is the King of Glory: the King comes in peace (21:1-5); the King is acclaimed by the people; and the King is crowned with praise. This event is the inauguration of the Prince of Peace as King of kings.